Pulmonary Function Test Sample Reports For Medical Transcriptionists

Pulmonary Function Test Sample Reports For Medical Transcriptionists

Pulmonary Function Test Sample Report #1


REASON FOR THE TEST: Shortness of breath.

Forced vital capacity is severely reduced to 48% of predicted. FEV1 is also severely reduced to 52% of predicted. The ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity is 108% of predicted. FEF 25-75% is severely reduced to 50% of predicted. FEF 50% is also severely reduced to 40% of predicted. Maximum voluntary ventilation is severely reduced to 34% of predicted. Lung volumes show total lung capacity reduced to 57% with residual volume 87%. The ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity is 152% of predicted. Diffusion is reduced to 61%. However, the adjusted diffusion to hyperventilation is 139% of predicted. Response to bronchodilators with minimal improvement of FEV1 to 3%, but the FEF 25–75% has improved to 29%. Flow volume loop shows evidence of obstructive sleep apnea with severe restrictive and mild obstructive defect. Minimal response to bronchodilators. ABG showed pCO2 higher than the highest normal limit and pO2 is in the lowest normal. Apparently, the patient is 23 years old, and she had never been a smoker.

IMPRESSION: This test overall shows:
1. Severe restrictive defect.
2. Mild obstructive defect.
3. Normal diffusion.
4. Some air trapping.
5. Obstructive sleep apnea.
6. Mild response to bronchodilators.

Pulmonary Function Test Sample Report #2



REASON FOR THE TEST: Evaluation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the amount of deterioration over time.

Spirometry showed forced vital capacity severely reduced to 49% predicted. FEV1 is also severely reduced to 32% predicted. The ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity is reduced to 66% predicted. FEF 25-75% is severely reduced to 11% predicted. FEF 50% also is severely reduced to 6%. Response to bronchodilators showed modest improvement with the maximum improvement in FEF 50%; that has improved to about 24%. Also there is marked improvement in the small airway, FEF 25-75% ratio that has improved to 20%. Although, this improvement is excellent, a small overall change considering that small airway disease is still small. Total vital capacity was 63% predicted, which is very different from the forced vital capacity that indicates severe air trapping. Diffusion was decreased to 37% predicted with adjusted diffusion to hyperventilation also decreased to 56% predicted. Flow volume loop showed severe obstructive defect with mild response to bronchodilators and evidence of obstructive sleep apnea.

IMPRESSION: This test overall shows:
1. Severe obstructive defect.
2. Mild response to bronchodilators.
3. Severe air trapping.
4. Severe diffusion impairment.
5. Possible obstructive sleep apnea.

Pulmonary Function Test Sample Report #3


REASON FOR THE TEST: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Also, the patient is on amiodarone as per the chart.

Spirometry showed forced vital capacity 88% of predicted with FEV1 82% of predicted. The ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity was 94% of predicted. FEF 25-75% was reduced to 41% of predicted. FEF 50% was also reduced to 53% of predicted. This was suggestive of small airway disease. Response to bronchodilators was minimal with improvement of FEV1 to only 7% and improvement of FEF 50% to 37%. Maximum voluntary ventilation was 84% of predicted. Lung volumes showed total lung capacity 100% of predicted with residual volume 122% of predicted. The ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity 122% of predicted. Diffusion showed impairment 70% of predicted. Adjusted diffusion to hyperventilation was 74% of predicted. Flow volume loop showed evidence of moderate obstructive defect and poor response to bronchodilators.

IMPRESSION: This test overall shows:
1. Moderate obstructive defect.
2. Poor response to bronchodilators.
3. Air trapping.
4. Mild-to-moderate diffusion impairment.
5. Possible obstructive sleep apnea.