Extremities Physical Exam Section Words and Phrases

Extremities Physical Exam Section Words and Phrases

EXTREMITIES: Examination of his wrist joint is stable. Dorsally, on the radial side, he has some swelling and tenderness. There is no snuffbox tenderness or tenderness in the palm. The rest of his metatarsals and phalanges are normal and nontender. Capillary refill is brisk.

EXTREMITIES: Pedal pulses are absent, 1+ ankle edema bilaterally.

EXTREMITIES: No edema, no varicose veins.

EXTREMITIES: Warm, nonedematous. No obvious deformity.

EXTREMITIES: Right wrist: He reports very mild tenderness with flexion, but really, there is no point tenderness. His entire hand is nontender. His elbow is uninjured. Left knee: He has an abrasion anteriorly. Joint is stable, and he can flex and extend against resistance. Distally, he is neurovascularly intact.

EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.

EXTREMITIES: There is no edema. He has good cap refill and distal pulses.

EXTREMITIES: There are no appreciable deformities or swelling. The patient has had some tenderness to palpation, primarily on the dorsum of the left foot. Otherwise, there is no lateral malleolar tenderness to palpation. There is no base of the fifth metatarsal tenderness to palpation. There is no proximal fibular or tibial tenderness to palpation.

EXTREMITIES: The patient has some swelling on the ulnar aspect of the left wrist as well as over the area of his hypothenar eminence. He has some nonspecific tenderness to palpation over the ulnar aspect of the left wrist dorsally. He has no metacarpal tenderness. He has limited range of motion secondary to pain at the left wrist. He has good capillary refill otherwise.

EXTREMITIES: No edema. There is good cap refill. There is no long bone tenderness or tenderness to palpation of the clavicles, humerus, forearm, femur, knees, tibia, fibula or ankle bilaterally.

EXTREMITIES: There is no edema. The patient is noted to have approximately a 4 cm laceration on the volar aspect of the left ring finger. Radial, ulnar and median nerves are intact. She has good two-point discrimination. She has good cap refill and distal pulses.

EXTREMITIES: She does have some tenderness to palpation in the proximal phalanx of her left fourth digit. She does have good range of motion at the MCP and PIP. There is no bruising. Minimal swelling is noted. She has only minimal tenderness. There are no lacerations.

EXTREMITIES: The patient has multiple puncture wounds to the left thumb area in the thenar mass. She has full range of motion of the thumb. She has full range of motion of all digits in her hand. She has no evidence of an early cellulitis. Right hand: She has a small laceration to the middle phalanx of the right hand. It is superficial in nature. She also has a puncture wounds proximally. She once again has good range of motion in all digits. She has good sensation. There is minimal amount of swelling at the right proximal phalanx on the third digit.

EXTREMITIES: He does have swelling in his right upper extremity between the area of the elbow and the wrist. He has some erythema. He does have a hardened area just distal to the antecubital area. He has good range of motion in his elbow. Good range motion in his wrist and his radial, ulnar, and median nerves were checked for motor function and all within normal limits.

EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. She does have some tenderness to palpation over the right trapezius area. She has full range of motion of her right and left shoulders. She does have full range of motion of her neck.

EXTREMITIES: Significantly decreased range of motion in the right wrist secondary to pain. Passive range of motion is appropriate. Tenderness to palpation along the posterior aspect of the distal radius and ulna with some local edema. No evidence of any gross bony abnormality. On exam, he is able to move all fingers in all directions and does have good capillary refill in all fingers.

EXTREMITIES: Minimal discomfort to the muscles of the paraspinous of the lumbar paraspinous area. He does have positive straight leg raise on the left. He has no tenderness along the midline of the lumbar or thoracic spine. He has no rashes in the area as well.

EXTREMITIES: Left knee has a good amount of joint effusion. He has certainly decreased range of flexion. He can only flex to about 35 degrees. He has point tenderness both lateral and medial to the knee. He does not seem to have a joint instability.

EXTREMITIES: Exam was normal with the exception of pitting edema in the lower extremities.

EXTREMITIES: The patient had no edema. The patient had 2+ DP pulses bilaterally and overgrown toenails but no signs of infection.

EXTREMITIES: Good range of motion at the right knee. There was an area of drainage from the anterior knee that had purulent material coming from it. There was good range of motion of knee.

EXTREMITIES: Normal range of motion of the right hip, ankle, and the digits on the right foot. He complains of pain with extreme flexion and extension of the right knee, has some slight soft tissue swelling and faint ecchymosis along the lower medial aspect of the right knee. Anterior drawer sign was negative. His medial and lateral collateral ligaments appear stable. Sensation is intact. Capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. Distal pulses are intact.

EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. No Homans or palpable cords.

EXTREMITIES: Right lower extremity examination reveals no hip tenderness, no femur tenderness. There is slight swelling to the knee area. There is no joint instability. There is a positive Lachman’s and negative McMurray’s. There is medial joint line tenderness. There is no anterior or posterior drawer sign of any significance. There is no crepitation. There is slight soft tissue tenderness over the infrapatellar region. Distal neurovascular as well as tendon status intact. There is no other bony soft tissue tenderness to entire right lower extremity.

EXTREMITIES: No abnormality to the shoulders, including no sergeant’s patch. There is full range of motion. There is no bony tenderness. There is no step-off or obvious deformity.

EXTREMITIES: Examination of right and left wrists reveals tenderness and a soft tissue area over the dorsum of the carpal regions. There is no scaphoid tenderness. There is a negative Finkelstein’s test. There is no tenderness with range of motion, no obvious swelling. Distal neurovascular as well as tendon status intact. No other bony soft tissue tenderness.

EXTREMITIES: Right hand examination reveals swelling over the dorsal aspect of the hand at around the third and a little bit of the second metacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joint region. There is noted tenderness along this region. There is no other bony soft tissue tenderness along the entire right hand or wrist region. There is no rotational deformity. Distal neurovascular as well as tendon status intact. There is no crepitation, no increase in warmth or erythema.

EXTREMITIES: He has fairly lax extremities, arms and legs. No significant posturing noted at the present time. His family notes that he has had some plantarflexion in his legs and tone in his legs, but this is not apparent on my examination today. He has pneumatic compression boots in place as well as egg-crate waffle boots at both ankles, and I am able to get him through a full range of motion in his lower limbs and upper limbs.

EXTREMITIES: He does have a Bledsoe brace present on his left foot. He has scars on the lateral aspects of both thighs, which are well approximated and sutures are removed. There is only a bit of discharge from a lateral malleolar punctate wound, and this appears to be more serous than anything concerning.

EXTREMITIES: Distal pulses are 2+, and capillary refill is brisk. The patient has no discrete long bone tenderness or deformity. She does have some vague pain around the right shoulder; although, she has full range of motion both passively and actively, and there is no discrete bony tenderness at either the AC joint or the humerus itself. On the right lower extremity, the patient has full range of motion passively and actively to the right hip without any discrete tenderness over the groin or greater trochanter itself.

EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, edema or clubbing. She has mild tenderness with palpation to the medial and lateral left malleolus with no gross deformity, ecchymosis or swelling. DP and PT pulses are present and equal bilaterally with brisk capillary refill in all 5 digits. She has full range of motion of the left foot and ankle and full strength with resisted movement. There is no ligamentous laxity. Thompson test is negative. The remaining extremities show no evidence of trauma.

EXTREMITIES: The patient does have a splint intact to her left lower extremity. There is brisk capillary refill in the toes, and she does have good range of motion of the toes as well as feeling at this site. There is no drainage on the wounds themselves. No lymphangitic streaking, no surround evidence of cellulitis. There is some mild edema to this lower extremity consistent with postoperative edema as well as diffuse point tenderness all about the leg.

EXTREMITIES: The patient does have an AFO plastic molded splint intact to the left lower extremity as well as some mild diffuse tenderness about both the left shoulder and knee without any focal point tenderness. She has good range of motion of all of her extremities and good capillary refill.

EXTREMITIES: Focused examination of the right lower extremity exhibits no gross deformity, ecchymosis or swelling. There is no erythema or warmth to palpation to the knee. No evidence of effusion. There is no laxity with varus or valgus stress. Anterior and posterior drawer tests are negative. Thompson’s test is negative. The patient has diffuse tenderness noted throughout. She has full range of motion with increased pain on extreme flexion. The hip and knee are unremarkable. The remainder of extremity is otherwise unremarkable.

EXTREMITIES: Focused examination of the left hand exhibits no gross deformity, ecchymosis or swelling. The patient has packing placed in wound at the distal pad of the third finger. There is no erythema or warmth to palpation, no tenderness to palpation. Once the packing was removed, there was no purulence that could be expressed. No induration or fluctuance appreciated. This appears to be healing well. Radial and ulnar pulses are present and equal bilaterally with brisk capillary refill in all 5 digits. Sensation is intact to light touch and pinprick in all 5 digits. He has full range of motion and full strength with resisted movement in all 5 digits, including the third finger of the DIP, PIP and MCP joints. Axillary, median, radial and ulnar nerves are intact. He has multiple calluses on his hand.

EXTREMITIES: Strong peripheral pulses. There is no clubbing, no cyanosis and no edema.

EXTREMITIES: The patient does have a first-degree burn noted to the dorsum of the right forearm. There is no blistering noted. There is some redness noted. The burn is approximately 5 x 3 cm across. The patient has 2+ radial pulse of the right upper extremity, 5/5 strength of the right upper extremity. Full range of motion of right upper extremity.

EXTREMITIES: Left hand examination reveals an unroofed blister over the proximal phalanx of the middle finger. He has some slight redness and swelling of this area of the middle finger. There is no drainage or purulent material. The hand is neurovascularly intact as far sensation and range of motion. There is erythema also of the proximal aspect of the left third finger.

EXTREMITIES: Peripheral pulses x4 are appropriate, equal and symmetric. An arterial venous shunt is noted in the left upper extremity with good thrill.

EXTREMITIES: Left shoulder without any soft tissue swelling. Range of motion is normal. Left upper extremity has the PICC line, and there is no obvious edema of the arm. Extremities are warm. There is no peripheral edema. There is some atrophy of the musculature of the lower portion of the legs secondary to polio. He does have a boot present on his left foot. There are no obvious venous cords. There is no calf tenderness.

EXTREMITIES: Left upper extremity is notable for an AV fistula with a positive thrill and bruit.

EXTREMITIES: There is no cyanosis or edema, strong radial pulses bilaterally. She has 5/5 strength. Sensation intact. Deep tendon reflexes 1+ equal and good radial pulse. Sensation is grossly intact.